Louisa Ferguson BSc MBChB FRCS-ORL-HNS

Louisa Ferguson BSc MBChB FRCS-ORL-HNS

Miss Ferguson is a specialist in Paediatric ENT and Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery. She is a Consultant Surgeon at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust. Miss Ferguson is the only surgeon to be qualified in both subspecialties within the UK, having trained extensively in the UK and abroad. She manages all aspects of paediatric ENT from common conditions such as tonsil and adenoid problems and sleep apnoea, to complex airway disorders. Miss Ferguson is also a member the South Thames Cleft Service looking after children with Cleft Lip and Palate, along with speech disorders and hearing issues.

Miss Ferguson sees patients privately at

ENT4KIDS, Marylebone, London

The Portland Hospital

Evelina London Children’s Hospital

Private Patient Referrals

For all private patient enquires please contact

office@ent4kids.co.uk or louisa@louisaferguson.co.uk

Or call 02074875677


Miss Ferguson is a specialist in the following conditions

  • tonsil and adenoid surgery (coblation and traditional method)

  • snoring and sleep apnoea

  • otitis media (glue ear) and hearing loss

  • grommets

  • blocked nose

  • recurrent infections of the ear , nose or throat

  • pinnaplasty

  • airway and breathing disorders - including diagnostic endoscopy

  • head and neck lumps and abnormalities

  • nose bleeds

  • speech and voice issues

  • cleft lip and palate surgery including revision surgery

  • speech surgery

  • tongue tie release

Professional Associations

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

British Association of Paediatric Otolaryngology

European Society of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology


American Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Association

Cleft and Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland

British Society of Facial Plastic Surgery